Friday, December 14, 2007

Too juicy not to share

This video reminds me of another video posted once upon a time:

Here's the story: I was reading a blog I occasionally visit, which lead had this video from Nick Jr.'s Yo Gaba Gaba!.... I had to find out more, and thus it went to find this song. Anyway, I couldn't keep something like this to myself.

Your welcome.

Friday, November 09, 2007


Is this why you all like your coffee so much?

Thursday, November 08, 2007


This little piggy went to market
This little piggy stayed home
This little piggy ate roast beef
This little piggy had none
This little piggy went... wee wee wee wee all the way home.

So, I was playing this beloved classic game with pumpkin the other day... she's not quite into it yet, but nonetheless... anyway, it suddenly and shockingly occurred to me that piggy number 2 "stayed home" and piggy number 5 "went all the way home" thus, they would end up at the same place... the neck. Why on earth is piggy number 2 at the neck? this is disturbing!

No neck toes for us thank you very much. Maybe "home" should wind back down to the foot again from now on. Just something to think about.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

what the heck???

So I was looking on craigslist this morning for baby stuff, and I found this. It's supposed to be a Halloween costume. I think it's kinda funny and scary all at the same time.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

new blog

Hey guys,

I just got us started on a blog called Oh Goodness!, at least for now, and the link is on this page under links. Anyway, the idea is we can share delicious recipes or good ideas, like favorite books, or crafts that are amazing and what not. I started us out with a few recipes, just to get it going and share the love. I'd love to hear what's cooking in your corners as well!



Monday, October 15, 2007

another shirt


if I were a baby
I'd poop right now

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Hey everyone-

I was just looking at the blog and came across "Show me the list!". Its about that time again, so hey, lets update our lists for this year or make a new one. Plus, there are two new family members to add! Its nice to have an idea bank to see what everyone in interested in or could use.

So here's to lists and not getting stuff we don't need!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Doggy Poo Trailer

Here's a video we recently watched... the voice-over and pace is a bit wanting, but the message is good- everyone needs a purpose especially when you feel like sh*t.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

He's a star!

Hey guys!

Here is a little video made by Aaron's sister, Nikki, and grandma, Zella; I thought you might enjoy it.

Love you all!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

O so funny

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

cap'n danger baby chute!

Came across this at Archie McPhee's. Too funny not to share. I think Basil needs this.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Hello from County Down!

Hi, family! Just dropping a note to say hello from Northern Ireland. We're having a wonderful time getting to see the wee bit of the country where Korina is living. The countryside is gorgeous out here -- lush green farmland covers rolling hills everywhere you turn. The weather has been a bit... adventurous. We've had snow coming in sideways the last 2 days, but it hasn't been sticking, and it's interspersed with rain that washes it away soon enough. There's been a bit of sunshine, but rain and wind has been a lot more consistent. It's supposed to clear up the rest of the week -- we hope! -- so that should make the rest of the sightseeing and shopping fun.

We got to spend Thursday through Sunday hanging out with Korina. Our first day we were exhausted after an 8-hour negative timezone change and 20 hours of travel on 2 hours of sleep, so there wasn't much we could do even though we arrived at 7am. Driving here hasn't been as rough as I thought it would be, so on Friday we drove an hour north to Belfast to return our automatic car for a smaller, sportier manual-shift rental. Driving that on these winding country roads is a blast, but the locals seem to think I'm going pretty slow! We spent the rest of Friday walking around Belfast. Saturday was St. Patty's Day and we wanted to stay away from the raucous crowds, so we took a picnic lunch to Tollymore Forest and got to wander around the inspiration for some of Lewis and Tolkein's best adventures. Sunday we visited some of the smaller local towns (Castlewellan, Dundrum, & Newport); Dundrum Castle was incredible!

After a more relaxing day today -- more bad weather kept us from doing any outdoor sightseeing -- we'll be driving down into the Republic of Ireland tomorrow to see Dublin. It's been wonderful getting to see Korina. We're having some of her friends over on Wednesday to play games and eat chocolate chip banana bread (!); everyone we've met so far has been very friendly. There's a cow in the field next door that seems pretty grumpy, but I'll win him over by the end of the week. Amy says that she's only said "Shaug" once, at the airport (oops!), and "pants" once, in a shop, but the lady we were standing next to seemed pretty understanding ;)

We love you guys, and we'll see you all soon!

-- O'Shaughnessy and Amy

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Hello Spam.

Here's a t-shirt that Shmamy, Daru, and I came up with at breakfast the other day...

I don't do gravy in the morning.

Too funny not to post.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

the knack

I <3 Engineers.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Ultimate World Domination

Hi Spam -

I am really excited about this next coming year and a little afterwards. One of the things that I am wanting to do is get a business started .. but that leaves me scratching my head. What, what is that business? As you know we are thinking about Colorado and in fact I am quite committed as I've already greased the wheels at work for the transition.

When we get out there it will be a big change for us especially since we (already remote) will be even more so. No ocean! No ocean! No ocean! (It's okay, I guess, to cry, cry for me my dear spamily.)

Anyhow, the problem I face is that I have so many ideas that I want to get going but do not have the foggiest about which is the *right* idea. I am sure that God will help me in the process but I am asking for your prayers and ideas for a business and other goodies:

Idea Farm:

- coffee - roasting. (I will somehow manage roasting into anything I do!)
- coffee - espresso house, retail. Something like Linea's or Peet's
- ditto - but with more of a tea/organic flare.
- ditto - but with a beer or liquor license - coffee by day, irish coffee by night!
- a micro-brewery (Sure, my passion is coffee, but my other passion is creating things)
- making a new infused coffee drink (a la Starbucks liquor or Kalhua)
- a pub
- a hardware store
- a deli like Gus' in SLO-town.

Well, that's a short list. I kinda want to have a small coffee (like really small) in order to support my coffee habit. I think the micro-brewery has the best potential upside which kinda makes me the most excited. But the others are all on the old consideration list - I'm trying to figure out what will work best, what Colorado needs most, and what I can handle to build out in a three-year period and really see grow over the next few years.

Do you have any other ideas? You know me. Maybe "a brownie house" (I think I would get too fat and rather diabetic!) or a bread house!! (Yummm!). But mostly we need your prayers. Some ideas are doable with the amount of money we'll have after the move (if Jesus is willing that we get a good deal on selling our house), and others will require some stretching and in areas that I am less confident in. Right now, and for the next few months, I'm knocking on doors and asking a lot of questions. Knock, kock.


upgraded blog

Hi Spamily,
I upgraded the blog. The template thing got a little weird, but I tried to fix it. If I left something off, or if it looks wrong, please fix it. :)


Monday, January 08, 2007


Recently joined StumbleUpon hence that crazy picture I emailed out and this the best internet radio ever!

Sunday, January 07, 2007


Please fill in the blank:

I feel ridiculous when ______________________.