Monday, January 15, 2007

Ultimate World Domination

Hi Spam -

I am really excited about this next coming year and a little afterwards. One of the things that I am wanting to do is get a business started .. but that leaves me scratching my head. What, what is that business? As you know we are thinking about Colorado and in fact I am quite committed as I've already greased the wheels at work for the transition.

When we get out there it will be a big change for us especially since we (already remote) will be even more so. No ocean! No ocean! No ocean! (It's okay, I guess, to cry, cry for me my dear spamily.)

Anyhow, the problem I face is that I have so many ideas that I want to get going but do not have the foggiest about which is the *right* idea. I am sure that God will help me in the process but I am asking for your prayers and ideas for a business and other goodies:

Idea Farm:

- coffee - roasting. (I will somehow manage roasting into anything I do!)
- coffee - espresso house, retail. Something like Linea's or Peet's
- ditto - but with more of a tea/organic flare.
- ditto - but with a beer or liquor license - coffee by day, irish coffee by night!
- a micro-brewery (Sure, my passion is coffee, but my other passion is creating things)
- making a new infused coffee drink (a la Starbucks liquor or Kalhua)
- a pub
- a hardware store
- a deli like Gus' in SLO-town.

Well, that's a short list. I kinda want to have a small coffee (like really small) in order to support my coffee habit. I think the micro-brewery has the best potential upside which kinda makes me the most excited. But the others are all on the old consideration list - I'm trying to figure out what will work best, what Colorado needs most, and what I can handle to build out in a three-year period and really see grow over the next few years.

Do you have any other ideas? You know me. Maybe "a brownie house" (I think I would get too fat and rather diabetic!) or a bread house!! (Yummm!). But mostly we need your prayers. Some ideas are doable with the amount of money we'll have after the move (if Jesus is willing that we get a good deal on selling our house), and others will require some stretching and in areas that I am less confident in. Right now, and for the next few months, I'm knocking on doors and asking a lot of questions. Knock, kock.


upgraded blog

Hi Spamily,
I upgraded the blog. The template thing got a little weird, but I tried to fix it. If I left something off, or if it looks wrong, please fix it. :)


Monday, January 08, 2007


Recently joined StumbleUpon hence that crazy picture I emailed out and this the best internet radio ever!

Sunday, January 07, 2007


Please fill in the blank:

I feel ridiculous when ______________________.